The fun thing about a house is that you can actually start having parties at your home. For the first time we didn't have to travel to Burley, family came here!!
Kobe turned TWO!!! Wow it's weird to think about having a two-year-old and not to mention another little one on the way. If you haven't gotten the Leap Frog alphabet movie, I highly recommend it. (Or I should say My OB doctor actually did.) Between the movie, that Kobe just loves, and the alphabet set on the fridge, he can not only say the sounds of letters but knows recognition. It just blows me away. So it didn't take me long to think of a theme for a party.
Kobe's "ABC" birthday invitations went for his party for Sunday. Thanks family for the great turn out!!! We were suprised by the great turn out and full house. With different letters handing around the house, a "K" birthday cake for Kobe, alphabet letters cut out in cookies for the kids to decorate, a balloon fight in the living room, it made for a crazy gathering of fun.

He even actually had fun opening presents this time (at least I think..one thing about hosting is I was in the kitchen dishing out dessert with my mom during the opening of presents). Thanks to Uncle Jeffery filming, I'll be able to see it.
Wow he did get spoiled by all, both in gifts and attention. We really appreciate everyone for coming and making it so much fun for him. It's alway fun to have family time with everyone!!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!! It looks like you had such a great time little man! You are getting SO big and I sure wish that I couold have been there to have fun with you! Can't wait to play again! Hopefully soon!
Kye (and Nate)
What a fun party. I am going to have to check out the leap frog movie for my little ones.
What a cute theme for a birthday party. I love that movie, well actually Jantsen and Kambryn love it but still. Well happy birthday kobe!
Happy Birthday to Kobe!! We sure miss you guys. 2 year olds are so much fun don't you think? :D It went too fast though seems like just yesterday we were pregnant together.
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