#1 My sis, Melissa, finally had her little girl. Maelin Jolie. Cute as a button!
Which means my maternity wardrobe increased, Thanks Mel.
#2 Kobe tried corn on the cob for first time. Not that anyone else would care, but it was rather funny watching him try to eat it from the ends. I think he
licked more butter then ate bites.

#3 Tosha, Caleb, and Madison (Jason's sister) finally moved to Las Vegas for his schooling. It's a bummer that we won't be able to see them much, especially Madison being Kobe's only cousin on the Jones' side. But we wish them the best of luck in there new start. We'll have to keep in touch with picture and of course we'll have to go visit. They suggested waiting till it's cooler...ha ha
#4 WE are actually looking at houses. Our realtor has been very patient and showed us a more houses then I'm sure he wanted to. Boy I hate making these grown-up decisions. I would much rather make the decision whether I should watch "So you think you could dance" today or record it and go fishing and watch it tomorrow without commercials. Those are easy answers. It's just scary and permanent. I wish we could test houses by living in them for a week or two and then decide whether or not it would work out best. It's like a sale, you wonder if there's a better deal out there that you don't want to miss out on that "fits" better. Then there is reality... Money, otherwise known as the "budget"/lack of money,and my indecisiveness. I still wish we could move closer to family, but job wise it wouldn't work, although it would solve a lot of other stresses. Wishful thinking, but not happening...sorry Fam. Thanks mom for coming and looking!!!
Holy shmokes you guys are busy! I'm sending good vibes your way for the house hunting. What a ton of work that was! :) It is very much worth it though! Are you looking in Twin Falls or outlying areas?
Good luck on the house hunting. I hope you find something great!
Miss you guys! Hope the house hunting is going great. We're apartment hunting and it sucks, but at least it's not so permanent. :D
does your mom have an e-mail? let me know! Thanks! --Korbi
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