The Fourth of July was a day of fun. We started with going to Rupert Parade with the Jones. When the plane flew by in the begging, to signal the parade to start, Kobe said "more." He apparently has developed this love for airplanes this past week. Thanks to the handfuls of candies and great entertainment, Kobe sat the rest of the parade on Jason's lap...Between the munches of candy we heard "Cool", "What's that", and "WOOOOW" all the way to the end of the parade. Jason even actually enjoyed the parade this year because the weather actually made it tolerable.

After the parade we were off to PaPa and GG's house for a BBQ. After a much needed nap back at the Jones', we went to the Hawkes' partycentral for a water party with the cousins and BBQ dinner. I say...you can't have too many BBQ in one day :) Night time was growing near we loaded up to head to the Burley Boat Docks for Mom's flag cake and fireworks! Although...it was a consensus that Burley shouldn't waist money on the fireworks on the ground and spend that money for the bigger ones. It was sad to say that the fireworks only lasted 2 mins and somehow a "Finally" was some how a forgotten term like last year. But the time with family can't be beat! Maybe next year we can talk people into coming to the Twin Falls Fireworks!!! Since we do live there and have never even seen them. We hope you all had a Happy Fourth!
Ains, you look EXCELLENT! Sounds like you had a great time.
Hey...my dad is having surgery tomorrow morning. If you are there in the next few days, make sure they take good care of him!
You really do look great--I hope you are feeling great too? As cute as Kobe is, I think you guys will have another little cutie. :)
WHAT IN THE WORLD!!! You have no idea how long I have been trying to get in touch with you. Oh my goodness, your little boy is adorable and you have another on the way! YEAH!! well anyways, miss you roomie!!
Sounds like you had a great time! Hope all is going well with you. We are coming to Burley the 26-28 and want to get together. That would be awesome!
Hey Ainslie, I am so glad that I found you. Your little boy is getting so big just in time for a nother little boy. You think that with you living in Twin we would see each other more often. Love Ya Shantala
Hey Ainslie, don't know if you remember me from good old college days. I happen to run across your blog on one of my friend's. It looks like you are doing great!!Anyways I thought I would drop you a line. Bri
Hey, this is John Melling...just surfed into your blog via Branden Allen's and wanted to say hello. Your blog is awesome and the little Kobester is a cutie.
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