After 3 weekends of camping in a row, we finally finished it off with the Jensen Reunion at Twin Lakes. It's always a highlight to go down to Lake Cleveland. Kobe loved the water, suprisingly it wasn't that cold were we jumped in. Kobe kept dipping in lower and lower and was in heaven when he found a stick he could throw and dogs he could watch splashing around.

Mom and Aunt Deanne worked really hard and had a sweet theme for the reunion "Out of This World". We went on a trip to the moon, created our own planets, and picked out our own star! We had a great time playing cards, etc., with cousins and camping trip wouldn't have complete with Hawkes' Monkey Bread...We hate to share :) We even only managed to loose Kobe once :) He loved exploring a little too much at times. He loved playing in the camper, and cried out "outside" the first thing when he woke up and the last thing when he went to bed.

He had a blast playing on Sheppenhalls' trailer. It was kind of nice to be able to visit with the open door and a place for Kobe to play with his "cars." Kobe always suprises us. We went for a four-wheeler ride and Kobe kept saying "more, More"
and on the second time around the campground he came back asleep. How someone ever falls asleep on a four-wheeler??? But too much fun = falling asleep, where ever and when ever he can. There wasn't much naps taking on this trp. Love you family!!! Thanks for all the fun and memories!!!
Looks like you guys had a blast! It was great to see you last weekend. :D Love ya tons! Good luck with your new house!
It was great to see you this past week you look so cute prego. You are almost done hang in there
It was SO good to see you! I didn't know you were preggers! Man, I wish I looked that great! Keep in touch!
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