We snuck in through the nurses entrance in the back way and walked up the stairs (which jason said if you can take the stairs, i'm not so sure we need to be here, but we just laughed). After getting settled they check to see if I was dilated and sure enough I wasn't really surprised to see I was a "2." my contractions were 5-6 mins apart. Wow 2 more than I was with Kobe. So the IV was started (after 6 pokes-so much for "my good veins"-they were nervous too). DID I MENTION I WAS ON-CALL!!! Kinda funny, I'm sure when the PCC found out that the nurse she sent home on-call was admitted to labor and delivery that was cut short. DARN there goes MY $2. It happened to be that Dr. Allen, after all, would be doing the C-section anyway. Well, he said lets get this ball rolling, no need to be having contractions when this is scheduled!!!!THANK YOU! The anesthesiologist that I had just talked to on the floor about how nervous I was for Wednesday couldn't helped but crack a smile when he saw me 2 hrs later. The spinal wasn't too bad. Still had the shakes and some nausea, which I'm sure couldn't have been the spaghetti I had a couple of hours earlier :) With Jason dressed by my side, Sunday at 12:45 am, Our little boy came into this world!!!!!Making our boys 2 yrs and one week apart!Weighing: 7 lbs Height: 19 in long. quite a little a bit smaller then Kobe.

Things went "ok", but we were ready to go home so after hearing some lectures from the family we were still ready to go home Monday!!! The only complications that stood in the way were...THE NAME???? and the fact that he ended up having a VSD. Ventricular septal defect...aka hole (murmur). So he had an echo done, and some other things, but luckily after a prayer and some waiting we found that things will hopefully heal with time. Luckily he was asymptomatic...but it is something we need to keep an eye on for the next days/yr.
With a deep breath we finally took TREVOR DREW JONES home. He is the most precious boy. After being home for all of 30 mins., we ran to Burley to get Kobe. There is something about having my boys all home with me. Kobe had been great and loves to give Trevor kisses. He says "cool baby". He can even say baby Trevor. So here are some pictures. We really appreciate family helping out on such short notice (Tiki and Jacob your great)and all the visits at the hospital and phone calls. Boy did we have a lot of friends and family show their love!!! You are the best!!

I just love being a mom and I love and adore my husband who has been so great and supportive!!!
WAHOO! He is absolutely perfect. And is it me-or is Trevor a mini-Kobe with looks? He is SO CUTE I cannot wait to hold him! I hope that you are doing ok and getting lots of help and use to having 2! Crazy isn't it? Call me when you can!
Love you!
Congrats! I am glad that you didn't have to wait any longer even though it was not what you planned on! He is so darling and I love the name!
Yaaaaaaay! He is so beautiful! YOU are so beautiful! I'm very excited for you and your family.
He is so cute!! Newborn babies are the best!! I hope you are recovering quickly, you look really good in the pictures. Sounds like Kobe already loves being a big brother. Good luck with everything!
Ains...can I first say that you look GREAT! Are you kidding me, you just had a baby and look how fabulous you look! Anyways, little baby Trevor, He is just so precious and adorable and tiny and sweet...Congrats and good luck!
Congrats! He's so cute. :) You look wonderful. Good luck and of course, keep us posted.
Oh Ains~ I'm SOOO glad everything turned out (pretty good actually, huh?). He is awesome! And I must say, you make some stunningly handsome babies. I LOVE the name too! Andy was almost a Drew too. :) Wish I could be there to see him! Love you much though! Congratulations!!!!!!
HOLY CRAP YOU LOOK SO GOOD! That is such a cute baby too! congrats. i'm glad that it all worked out!
Congrats!!! I am so happy for you but now I am bummed I don't get to see you guys as much. Playing with Kobe and giving him lots of candy was the best part! Trevor is adorable!
Congrats Ainslie! He's adorable and to have two little boys is aweseome! I hope someday to finish my family with brothers! :)
Take care and enjoy that time off work!!! :)
He is so beautiful guys congrats! Glad all is well and I wish you well on this amazing journey with your new little man!
Ains- I have left two comments but obviously they go lost out there is cyberspace! He is adorable and you look beautiful. I don't believe you just had a baby! What a cute little family.
You look fantastic!! Trevor is adorable and yeah for being able to work for a little bit before you had Trevor!! Congrats to you all!!
He is so cute!! and you Look Great! I hope that I look that good after Number #2.
Congrats!!! He is so beautiful!! Good work you guys!
congrats!! he is adorable.
Congrats---what a cutie! You will love having two boys together---tons of fun!!!
Ains! He's beautiful! Congrats you guys. So much for plans huh? God has a plan for us even if it doesn't match up with our plans. Give me a call when you get a chance I don't want to disturb you when you're sleeping or something. :D
Congrats! And I must say how fabulous you look for just having a baby!
He is so cute I am so glad all went well for you. You look great for just having a baby. Gotta love new babies.
Congratulations on boy #2, that's awesome to hear that all is going well. He's a cutie.
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