SO in four weeks I have learned some things and laughed at other times...it's funny what goes through my head now that I have more/less time on my hands:
#1: I can't get over how nervous I was the first time I had a baby...I wouldn't take a shower till Jason got home cause I was afraid to leave the baby. Now I just put Trevor in the swing and put him in the bathroom with me (for protection purposes from older brother who thinks he can pick him up), while Kobe watches a movie. I've also learned that Kobe's hair grows way too fast. This was before I cut it.

#2: I think we have a lot of dust in our house because Kobe has buggers all the time and not the ones with cheese and pickles and Trevor sounds stuffy every night? Random, I know. Kobe is not my baby anymore...and is growing up too fast, sort of

#3: how did I not get more done when I just had Kobe. I seem to get just as much done and I have to feed every two hours (yes mom, I know you what you think...3hrs will be great AT SOME POINT)
#4: I have drawn more than 100 pumpkins for Kobe. He loves halloween this year thanks to my mom. You should see the two together, it hillarious. He has two Halloween books he reads ALL the time and enjoys "re"decorating the house and singing "witches sailing threw the sky." His new thing is "kunkin". Everyone is finding it funny when they start calling "pumpkins" => "kunkins." Even the color orange has been changed to "kunkin." Here are some pics at a pumpkin patch and hay ride we went to with one of his little buddies. FUNNY: For some reason he started "licking" the pumpkins in the field.

#5:Trevor is looking less like Kobe (sorry Jones watch out Becks :) but I have all too remembered what it's like to have no sleep, a gassy baby, and a great attitude about the lack of help (at least it seems that way :)But I do love it when they snuggle and I can't seem to get enough of kissing his cute soft cheeks. Thanks Mel for the glow-in-the-dark skeleton onesie.

#6: I forgot about the spontaneous fountain Trevor gets me with. I remembered though that if I stick a wet wipe over the "fountain of youth" I avoid getting bulls eyed and Trevor doesn't get Puddles" in his eyes (ahh...i hate it when that happens).
#7: I forgot how people are just drawn to babies. We were in church for 1st time after having trevor and this lady in front of us turned around and said "I just have to hold that baby" Jason smiled and thought she was just making a comment (We didn't even know her). Then after a while she turned around to me and said "Can I hold your baby?" I was like ahh..I guess. Jason's friend was sitting by us (his family was visiting because we got a new bishopbric) and said, "that's my mom by the way". There have been times when in the store people just stop and stare. We were at the doctors office and a little girl just comes up and starts "petting" him. Got to love new babies. They have sooo many people wrapped around their finger.
#8: I learned I can bribe Kobe to stay in bed for naps and at night time if I tell him Grandma is coming or we'll go see the "boys". Of course this only works so long when those things can actually happen, when he doesn't see Trevor sleeping with me or when his "eye" teeth AREN"T coming in!!!! (got to love the timing on those)
#9: Last comment...I learned I REALLY LOVE DQ CAKES (ok, I already knew that). I seem to come up with an excuse to have one when ever I can..."but honey we need to celebrate...a new house, a new baby, it's my birthday" Bless Jason's heart. He did surprise me with one when Trevor was home. Good points for him!!!
#10: ok one more ...I learned I really love the Rupert craft fair. Such cute things to buy, family to hang out with (thanks mom and CeLes), wonderful smells, friends you see, and time out of the house (thank goodness for packs so Trevor could snuggle next to me, so we could be out longer).

It was good to talk to you. You are right-Trevor is starting to look less like Kobe! They are just both SO dang cute! You wonder how you can do things with 2 when you struggled with 1 and what do you know-you can usually do more right! You are doing great! Love you
Well I quite enjoyed your list and your kids are ADORABLE! Being a mom is something else isn't it?
Aww. Pics are so cute! I have so many things to look forward to when our little one comes. :D We need to get together sometime. We sure miss you guys. Hope all is well.
Love ya!
I miss you.
It's funny how you are so much more relaxed with your second one huh? I was the same way with Brynlee. I think it has to be that way or we all would only have one kid.
Fun to read your update.
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