My mom and Aunt Deeanne always has a theme filled day set up. After we snagged a picture with the pumpkins and scarecrow, all the cousins/families piled on 3- trailer hay ride, pulled by Jeff's Bombardier AKA four-wheeler. As we were taking off it was hilarious to watch the campers around us sneeking pictures of us on their cell phones. Not sure if it was the crazy company waving and singing at passers or the fact you usually DON'T see that sort of things in the mountains or the combination. The "plan" was to ride around to different camp sites, but within the first 5 mins into the downhill part of the ride too much pressure on the hitch of the first trailer made for 90% of the party being dumped off to the side of the rode with 2 trailers and long awaited "come back and get's ya ride"

The "farmers mercantile" was filled with corn, carrots, a "give and GRAB" (not so much giving as there was GRABBING AND CRYING), tools, crafts, hand-made camo carving/aprons for the kids, sunflower candles, hand-border towels....and on and on ......

My cards were finally completed to give away at the women exchange. How fun it is to see what others have done and stressful to hand yours out. Some cards were passed out in "race car" fashion to avoid any embarrassment. You could have cutest card but still feel like a dork!....My card theme...WISH!

The "grab, root, growl" dinner was just that and the evening entertainment had everyone rolling in the dirt! I tell you, some of my cousins are talented, funny and others are down right hilarious! After the talent portion was down, Ken jammed up his sound system and drums for some country swinging and line dancing (i'm just sure our neighbors loved that :) Luck and unlucky for us the kids were asleep in the trailer. Kobe missed out on all the fun going to bed at 7:30 (like that EVER happens)Trevor was a little trooper but soon retired too, which made it so Jason and I could squeeze in a dance or two.

The Gamers were busy yelling TWO TWO TWO, ONE ONE ONE (translation ...PIT), While the rest of us just spent the night talking by the campfire.

Kobe had one the best dirty faces ever. He couldn't seem to get enough of the rides with the bike, painting, and playing with "his friends". Poor Trevors' fun came to a stop and tears begin to pour as poor mom put a stop to the dirt party. He was going to town, but when the dirt went flying and in the mouth....HEY it was FIRST day of camping WITHOUT showers! So the rest of his time was spent in the camper, play pin, on my back, or in someones coveted arms!!! For his first reunion it wasn't too bad. Despite our first 30 mins there with Trevor spilling out the trailer's screen door, down the two flights of stairs, onto his head.

Sunday we gathered for a "mountain version" of Church...which turned out to be a great devotional. We each got carved wooden heart from Uncle Max as a reminder!
It seems now that we are home Trevor has decided to really take off walking. Did I mention he also decide to pop out his first tooth in the mountains.
Time came and went too fast. Some projects are still in the working. I'm still working on a sewing projects Mom gave out, but boy does My mom and her sister really go out of their way coming up with memorable themes that just leave you in awe! It is one more reunion that will leave many memories to cherish! Thanks Grandma and Grandpa Jensen for starting such a fun tradition! We miss you!

P.S. Jensens....YOU WERE MISSED!!! AND thanks Grandma and Pa Jones for letting us use your trailer AGAIN.