HOW LONG HAVE YOU GUYS BEEN MARRIED? 6yrs and 9 months--wow!! seems long
HOW LONG DID YOU DATE? partial blind date (i had at least seen pictures of him) Right when he came back from Mission in Chile in the end of June. I told him I didn't want to be engaged until December, but he suprised me the last day in November only because his original idea wouldn't work because I was going to Salt Lake to Sara Young's wedding. The whole dating period was Quite Interesting to say the least. Jason may prefer to forget part of it :) Married 2/22/02 at 2:00. Can't forget that one!!!
HOW OLD IS HE? 28, we are same age for four months.
WHO CAN SING BEST? Well I think we sing ok together, but then Family home evening proves otherwise. but kobe loves me to sing to him no mater how poor it is. "More Song" he says.
WHO IS SMARTER? Well i did graduate from college before him, which may not say anything. It depends on the subject. some area I can't even compare to him.
WHO DOES LAUNDRY? Mostly me, but he does help with the washing, but not so much with the putting things away. But who likes doing that?
WHO PAYS BILLS? It started off me mostly, but once the kids come I swear I don't pay attention to anything else. every once in a while I will check things out and see what needs paid and do it. i have learned some from him i this area. I think he prefers I don;t look at the bills cause the couple of times I lectured him on how much extra he cost us for texting. But, i'm sure other times he wished I paid more attention to when things are due so they get out on time.
WHO SLEEPS ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE BED? I do. We switched a couple of nights for kicks so Kobe would come in and wake HIM up during the night. It worked for one night, but then he figured out i was on the other side, so Jason wanted to switch back. I did manage not to get woke up for one night though.
WHO MOWS THE LAWN? We just barely got a lawn and we got a lawn mower from family so I haven't learned how this one works yet. Plus I was almost 9 moths prego and just had the baby. He finds a little pride in having his own lawn now and likes mowing...I'm sure this will wear off, but I really don't mind.
WHO COOKS DINNER? Jason is an AWESOME cook. I have a tendecy to cook "normal" stuff and he cooks something interesting and new. I hate to try new things and he loves it! but if he cooks, usually I still clean up. Although he has gotten better. I clean as I go.
WHO'S THE FIRST TO ADMIT THEY ARE WRONG? We have gotten better, but still we each would say we were.
WHO KISSED WHO FIRST? I remember our first hug (cheesy i know) only because I thought "that was akward". I didn't hugs could be? I believe he said he loved me first course he remembers me saying "I'm in-love with you" first. I thought the was met in the middle, but he remembers not even going there until "I had made up my mind" so he said I kissed him first, but i'm sure it didn't take long to meet my lips.:-)
WHO WEARS THE PANTS? In the end, Jason usually does.I would like to think I'm in the pocket somewhere.
TAG #2: 4th pic in 4th file and explain...

Not sure how many to tag...but I tag: Kim, Lisa Rae, and Chad Barker (Chad -I would like a wife version though so I can get to know her :)(not sure who has/hasn't done it)PLEASE SO BOTH TAGS!!!!!
1 comment:
Hey Jones! It's the Baileys, I finally got a min to check out your blog. Super cute! I loved this post! You both did great on your talks. We need to get together sometime soon! oh and email me your email address at froglover33@hotmail.com
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