TAGGED form Kali Jo- 6 QUIRKS ABOUT ME ....
Maybe this isn't a good idea...:) There could be too many and then after I won't stop...
1. I hate the fact that I want Jason to stay up with Trevor so I can nap/Sleep at night, yet I lay there listening to the baby cry and think I might as well take care of him if I'm just going to stay awake and listen. Why can't I fall asleep like Jas does so easily. GRRRR...."Just let him do it" I keep thinking or "Go get him."
2. I hate calling or talking on the phone. (More calling) I don't know what it is, but my mom said I should get over it. I just would rather text or talk in person.
3. I still hate jewlery. Yes I wear my wedding ring, but I can't think about it or take it off. It's something about holding it in my hand that I just Kringe. I did get my ears pierced in 2nd grade (when I thought I was over it). But this only lasted 2 days and those dang holes are still there. Maybe being a tom boy growing up and wanting to be a "boy" scout had something to do with it.
4. I just love baby and kid clothes. I would buy my kids a million things if I could.
5. I have a thing about keeping my nose clean. I hate a dirty nose.
6. I'm against Day care. No offense to those that take their kids, but I just have this thing were I think "I'm the mom so I should be watching MY kids." It's a guilt thing. I hate/feel horrrible when I have to find someone to watch my kids when I work. I don't mind if it's a friend or family memeber who wathes them. And I have to drop them off at the lastest time possible and I rush to pick them up. I will drive an hour away, just before I have to work, just so they can be at least with "family".
I tag....Shantala, Audra/Woodsie,Sara Kemper
I loved this post, funny! We have so much in common, we really are a lot alike. i love how you just put it out there. I am totally with you on the babysitting thing. I have such a hard time, and it is funny because I remember having Makray and doing the same thing, hoping I can sleep while the baby screams. Oh the joys, good thing it continually gets a little easier. We need to get together soon!
I am so with you on the phone thing. I get so nervous to talk on the phone...except to my sisters, mom and close friends.
Fun to hear your quirks!
I guess you must have missed a few posts. Yeah, i'm pregnant again for the 3rd time in 3 yrs. my oldest, Lincoln will turn 3 about 3weeks after this one arrives. I know i'm crazy but i keep telling myself that really it's because i'm so irresitable. Ha ha right? Names are kinda hard the only one we both like is Kyle. But we still have about 7 weeks left so i guess we have time to think a little longer. :)
Kali Jo
Ains-I put my blog on private. I do not have your email address to invite you! Email me with it!
Love ya
Hey! We had a great Thanksgiving. How was yours? We are trying to figure out when we can come to Burley. It's looking like maybe the weekend before Christmas. We hope we get to see you soon. :)
That's so funny about the phone deal! I would much rather text or email, for sure!! And, the hubby thing...is SO true!! Men can sleep (or pretend to) through a screaming, bawling, fit of rage. Or, they can fall asleep after finding out the worst news in the world or after an arguement. I don't get it!
I am officially blog stalking you now. It feels a little less creepy if I tell you!! Just a little though.
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