Monday, March 16, 2009


Last night I noticed our little guy rambling on with his first word....and today there is no questioning it. Unfortunately it's not's DaDa. Even Kobe said "mom, Trevor's saying 'Dada'". Jason just smiles his little smirk, but for some reason I'm not surprised. He loves his dad. I just remind him that Kobe said MaMa first :) Trevor is the cutest today just screaming, discovering his voice.
I'm looking forward to our sister time this weekend. We are heading out for a scrap expo at 3 a.m. friday morning, wish me luck that I get an on-call thursday or at least can be home by 12:30am. Is that asking too much?
WE have also finally gotten around to painting Trevor's room. We'll let you see how it turns out!


Kimberlee said...

Oh my goodness...Trevor is ADORABLE!

The Bailey's said...

Your kids truly are so cute, Kobe just keeps saying the funniest thing and trevor is being so good just talking. It's ok dont feel bad my kids both said dada first, and the only reason is it is easier. So that should make you feel better. I hope you have a blast this weekend. I am totally jealous. But you need a break!

MJSheppard said...

Oh yea... well a CHILD psychiatrist observed Maelin's development and even said she was smart. Funny thing, she was sleepy and not really herself. Imagine how smart she is when she is awake, or better yet, when all the cousins get together. I so wish all "the men" the best of luck. Gals, turn off the cell phones. Wah ah ah

Kona & Jared Harper said...

Hey i bet we are going to the same scrap expo. It is fun. It will all be worth it!! Hopefully i will see you there!!

Eric and Breah said...

Your little family is so adorable. You look great and are such a fun mom and wife, I love reading your blog. I can't believe I don't see you more at the hospital. We need to have a little roomate reunion or something so we can all catch up!