Wednesday, May 13, 2009

A little late...Birthday shout outs!

May is such a busy month with graduations, recitals, birthdays....
I just wanted to wish my fabulous family HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! WE LOVE YOU!!!


Amy and Melissa...

Keylee Shay...


MJSheppard said...

Hey! If I promise not to "Steal" your pictures, will you send me a copy of our bro and sis pictures we took at Amy's house!!! I never got any! boo hoo

Luv you MORE. P.S. Bet I know why I didn't get a "count down" of all the years/reasons you love me... YOU CANT THINK OF THAT MANY!!!!

Kimberlee said...

We ended up getting are grill from Lowes. It wasn't a bad price. I think it was about $180 and I really like it. The brand is Perfect Flame. We went with that one because it had a nice cast iron cooking surface. We thought we would spend about $300 but all the other grills in that price range had the aluminum or stainless steel cooking surface. So we went with that one and spent less that we had budget for. YEAH! Anyway I would recommend it and have been really happy with it so far.